A long time ago in a far away land lived a little girl named Deidre Ann Bell. She lived happily on the family farm in Albion, Idaho growing up with 1 brother and 3 sisters and 2 wonderful parents.
Just over the hill in Oakley, Idaho lived a little boy named Victor LeRoy Warr. He lived there with his mom and dad and older brother and sister until he was about 3. Then they moved to Idaho Falls where they lived until he was a Senior in High School. They moved back to Burley. Both children grew up and went away to college - Ricks College. There a new world of adventures and learning began . . . and the two met through friends . . . and for 2 1/2 years they went together. . . and the topic of a life together came up every now and again . . .
and then on January 28, 1970, the two and their families traveled to the Idaho Falls temple bright and early (actually dark and early) where they became Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Warr, for time and all eternity.
After a treacherous trip over the mountains (in which Deidre was instructed by her new husband, to get in the back of their Mustang for added weight to help with traction) they honeymooned in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Then back down to Provo, Utah and BYU where they finished out school. Their first home was in Springville, Utah and though their furnishings were never featured in Better Home and Gardens, they loved it. After Deidre graduated the following summer, they stayed for one more semester and then went back and rented a small house in Declo, Idaho. Deidre was a very young inexperienced substitute teacher who taught everything from Kindergarten to High School Boys PE and Vic worked for Gordon Paving. Then they spread their wings and bought their first home - a trailer house - in Ketchum, Idaho. Vic managed the officed for Gordon Paving up there and Deidre worked as secretary for the manager of a bank.
Then came that exciting time . . . a new baby was coming to join the Warr family.
On a beautiful fall day, October 26, 1972, Andrea Warr was born. All of a sudden they realized their life would never be the same . . . and it hasn't been! But oh what a wonderful life it has been!
To keep Andrea company, Erika joined the family on a brisk winter day, February 19, 1975. Two little girls were lots of fun . . . and kept them doubly busy. Shortly after Erika was born, they sold the little trailer house and bought a home in Bellevue, Idaho. They loved it there . . . lots of space and the river close by. Room to grow kids, puppies,cats, horses and cows. . . and lots of love! Deidre began teaching school at Bellevue Elementary and Vic went out on his own . . . selling cars, running a 4 wheel specialty shop, building, and teaching skiing at Sun Valley. (Deidre began seeing that this man of her's was a little entrepreneurial . . . which seriously bothered her need for structure and knowing what was going to happen and when and how . . . but over the years it has become a good mix . . . each giving a little and the balance has added lots to their relationship).
Daughters were special . . . but on December 28, 1979 a brother joined the two big sisters. Adam Christopher Warr was born. The two big sisters taught him many fun tricks . . . and mom and dad were having to learn a few new tricks themselves as they realized there were no instruction books for raising kids . . . it was on the job training. Deidre continued to teach school - and Vic and a friend had the opportunity to buy the business of his dreams . . . Sun Valley Aviation. They worked hard, but the best part was that Vic was surrounded by his second love - PLANES . . . and he got his license and his first small plane . . . a little Cessna 140 taildragger.
They were getting so good at this family stuff that one more seemed like a great idea. So on a hot summer day, July 18, 1982, Jared Nelson Warr made his appearance. And the good times continued! Riding horses, wading in the river, camping in the mountains, playing with cousins, riding motorcycles . . . In the meantime Deidre continued teaching . . . and Vic and his partners sold Sun Valley Aviation. But never fear . . . there was always another adventure ahead for Vic - his "dream come true" job . . . managing a ranch for Ralph Girton. He loved being a cowboy and would still be doing it to this day had Ralph not sold the ranch.
Though 4 kids seemed perfect . . . Whitney arrived on October 1, 1984 and then they knew they really had the perfect family. A little sister who learned to go with the flow as her two older brothers taught her the fine art of survival . . . and two older sisters helped her develop a sense of fashion and style and the gentler side of life. She can fit in anywhere with anyone and brings joy wherever she is!
In 1986 it was time for a change . . . they were tired of the long winters and lots of snow and little money so after much thought and prayer decided to move to Boise where they bought a small business A&A Security. They rented a home at 607 Lawrence . . . but soon found that they needed a little more space . . . so in the spring of 1987 they purchased their current home @ 10910 Arabian Way which had lots of house space and an acre. Many adventures were had in the back yard from raising "Homer" the sheep . . . to setting up the backyard motocross course so all the kids in the neighborhood could ride the ol' Honda 100. The business office was downstairs and Vic found himself putting on a uniform and being a guard many nights . . . and Deidre worked on keeping the books and also filled in as school crossing guard and other guard spots. Then back to teaching for Deidre . . . and Vic continued to run the business. A few years later, he built a commercial building in Meridian and the business moved out there . . . is still there.
Even though life was very busy during this time with soccer games, b-ball games, choir concerts, volleyball games, PT conferences, overnighters with friends . . . it was a cherished time. The family took some fun trips . . . but our favorite was packing up the motorhome and heading to the annual reunion @ Redfish Lake where cousins, aunts and uncles abounded and the good times rolled!
Suddenly the children were turning into teenagers and Vic and Deidre began realizing that this time of their lives was rushing by! They knew the children would soon be leaving one by one . . .
And sure enough, one by one they grew up and became wonderful adults . . . who bring a different kind of joy and love than the one shared when the kids were little. How proud they are as they watch their kids working and helping this world be a better place.
And the family continued to grow . . . as Andrea and Rick got married on May 1, 1999!
Then they discovered one of the best parts of being a parent is being a grandparent . . . with the arrival of Madeline on March 9, 2000.
As the big house became emptier, with the only permanent residents being Vic, Deidre and the dog Chili, Vic and Deidre found an opportunity to explore and have more fun times together. Though they are not as fast . . . nor do they remember as much as they used to . . . they are always up for a good time and new adventure . . . from riding along the beach on the Oregon Coast to . . .
having more fun then 2 kids at Disneyworld . . .
to spending lots of great times at Placervilla! . . .
More happiness and more family . . . July 25, 2005 . . . Erika Warr became Erika Griffin as she and Chris were married.
To jumping in the Cessna 170 and spending 10 days seeing Alaska in a way that few will ever have the opportunity of enjoying! (Thank goodness for GPS's!! and for Vic!)
They experienced Mt. McKinley up close and personal, glaciers that seemed to go on forever . . .
A few white knuckle legs of the flight for the co-pilot . . . but what a wonderful trip!!
They spent lots of fun times at Lake Powell from the first trip in October 1992 when they joined Dennis and Amy's family and Karma and Max's family and all floated on a little houseboat from Bullfrog all the way to Rainbow Bridge and back. From that time they were hooked . . . and many memorable times have been spent there.
Vic surprised Deidre with her "dream" Christmas present in 1999 . . . a Harley Sportster. In her other life she was a biker chick . . . and still longs for that a bit. Many a good time and scenic ride has been shared . . . but one of the favorite rides is through Yellowstone.
Another great place they learned to love through the years is Glacier National Park. The scenery just doesn't get much better than what beholds the eye there.
Fun times in the Bahamas and Mexico . . . Then in 2007 Deidre retired . . . more time for another adventure! Vic refers to himself as semi-retired . . . which means he can do about what he wants and when . . . but he stays busy running the business and became a developer and builder . . . and consequently a landlord (the economy will get better someday).
Another wonderful wedding . . . June 6, 2009 . . . Adam and Susannah in the Houston Temple. Families are forever!!
The latest . . . but surely not the last . . . adventure was 2 weeks spent in Hawaii. Such fun times . . . Vic is trying to figure out a way that they can spent 2 months instead of 2 weeks there . . . yearly. And Deej better watch out for she has learned that when the ol' guy starts thinkin' it's just a matter of time. So the last 40 years have indeed been wonderful . . . and you know what? . . . they plan to live happily ever after! These thoughts from the Deej's card to The Vic sums up her feelings for the last 40 years . . .
The day we met will always hold a place in my heart . . . the day we married will forever be cherished as we joined our hands, hearts and lives together in love . . .but above all, the days we spend together . . . day after day . . . are what truly mean the most to me. You fill my days with joy . . . my life with meaning . . . my heart with love - today and forever . . . I love you! Happy anniversary Victor!!